
#6 The Knee

„I am thinking with the knee anyway“ - Joseph Beuys

The proper organisation of the knee plays a specific role in the Feldenkrais Method®, because Moshe Feldenkrais´s severe knee injuries contributed to the creation of the method.

Good functioning of the knee is essential to our most basic activities. Knee pain is common and can become chronic. Though most knee pain does not need surgery, it can be just as disabling.

In this advanced training you will give a lot of relief to yourself through both smart movements in "Awareness Through Movement" lessons and through our hands-on approach of "Functional Integration" lessons how to handle knee issues and accomplish better functioning.

Knees, hips and feet all have to connect well to support and enhance each other. They also need flexibility on their own. All of them together translate movement into walking. All of them have to connect to the pelvis and trunk to achieve well coordinated movement and prevent or repair injury.

If you are already having troubles with knees or hips, plantar fasciitis, heavy legs or arthritis this advanced training can give you great help and insight. If you just want to have more flexibility and spring in your movement it is also the right place to come and take that home with you.

Language: English and German

Maximum number of participants: 14 - that guarantees ideal learning in a small group

Instructors: Thomas Farnbacher

Thomas is Feldenkrais practitioner since 1995. His background knowledge is based on medicine, dance and martial arts. He is certified JKA practitioner, in working with special needs children and have extensive experience in this work area.

Thomas works as Trainer in Training programs and teaches Advanced Workshops.

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